The Simpsons has been on for over 30 years at this point. In that time, the show has produced some amazing episodes and some real stinkers. But let’s not forget that Fox’s hit animated show about a suburban family trying to make ends meet in Springfield has also provided us with some incredible songs, often mixing laughs with catchy tunes and lyrics.
So we decided to sit down and pick the 15 musical moments from the show’s long history. For this list, we are only looking for original songs, so no Green Day singing the Simpsons theme from the movie, or Homer singing “We Built This City On Rock And Roll!” in the Everglades. This list is also not ranked in any particular order.
With that out of the way, here are our choices for the 15 best musical numbers from The Simpsons. Let us know if we left your personal favorite off the list. We won’t add it later, but we’ll at least look at it and go “Oh, yeah, that was a good one, too!” And that’s worth something, right?