Kenneth Shepard's discussions

Kenneth Shepard
Kenneth is a staff writer at Kotaku, and he still cries about the Mass Effect trilogy years after it concluded.

Final Fantasy X so they can properly play the best one, Final Fantasy X-2. /thread Read more

As a 5’3” short king, I can confirm we actually can’t kiss our lovers. I’m always asking men for uppies before we smooch and it still doesn’t work. It’s brutal out here. Read more

Magic. This isn’t a joke, this is the explanation it gives. You’re given your child by magical sprites. Which is why the gay couples can have a kid that looks like them without getting into the nuts and bolts of how that’s possible. Read more

There is no spoiler for Cocoon here, there’s a spoiler for Inside. I can’t spoil a game that isn’t out yet and nobody knows the ending. The parenthesis even says “seven-year-old game.” It’s not referring to Cocoon. Read more