Amazon’s new Fallout series is a smash hit and also, pretty dang good, too! And while the series is based on Bethesda’s popular post-apocalyptic RPG franchise of the same name, there are plenty of other games you can play after watching the show if you want more Fallout vibes.
To be clear: If you haven’t played any of the Fallout games and enjoyed Amazon’s live-action adaptation of the franchise, stop reading this paragraph and go play some of ‘em. All of the games are available on Game Pass and can often be bought cheaply via sales. I’d personally recommend Fallout: New Vegas as a good place to start, but any of the games are worth checking out.
However, perhaps you’ve played those games already and are still craving some post-apocalyptic video game action, or maybe you checked them out and they didn’t click with you. Whatever the reason, here are 11 other video games that feel very Fallout-y and are worth playing after you (maybe) binged the new show.