Star Wars is a media franchise about people fighting in space, hence the name. So of course there are plenty of Star Wars games about flying starfighters in space, blowing up enemy ships, and saving the galaxy. Let’s rank them!
For a long while, there really was a drought of Star Wars space combat games. But with the release of Star Wars: Squadrons a few years back, the nightmare is over and we now have a new, modern take on the classic Star Wars space combat sim. And it’s pretty good! But what about all those Star Wars space games that came before? Well, lucky for you pilot, I landed my X-wing long enough to put together this list of (almost) every Star Wars space combat game, ranked worst to best.
To be clear, this isn’t a list ranking every Star Wars game. Instead, this is a list focused only on Star Wars games in which a large portion of the game is all about spaceships, Star Destroyers, dogfighting starships, and all that stuff.
With that out of the way let’s get to ranking some Star Wars games!