John Walker's saved articles

John Walker
Seeker of indie secrets, needlessly beautiful, purveyor of

It’s not clear if the nuke is metal or plastic”, its Bethesda, they’re going to make it out of broken dreams and promises. Read more

To this day, I still maintain it should have beaten Titanic for the Visual Effects Oscar. Read more

Sure, but the delivery is related to the genre it was using as a medium for the satire. Starship Troopers is a big, over the top action flick and also biting satire. Its bombastic nature is due to what it is, not its underlying message. Read more

This film always reminds me of the situation around Last Action Hero. They’re both satires that went over the heads of a lot of critics because they were action/sci-fi films. They ironically missed giving them proper critical analysis and wrote them off as simple “popcorn flicks.” Read more

We all know what is coming next.

1995 was too soon, the technology hadn’t matured yet.

But it’s been nearly 30 years, the time is now.

For the Virtual Boy 2.
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John Walker, I will pay you $270 for an mp3 of Aloy burping. Read more

I’ve been waiting for this one! A rare day 1 for me unless it turns out to be atrocious in term of performance. Read more

Am I the only one who wants a full Detective Peach game? I could totally see her investigating various crimes around the Mushroom Kingdom. Could even do a crossover with True Detective. Call it True Detective: Kingdom. Read more

This post hit me some kind of way. These alternate songs were a core part of my childhood. I had a group of friends that, whenever we got together, made sure to do the 4-player variant at least once during the night of playing. Read more

im 37 and I did too and had no idea about this til reading this article. Read more

Thanks for sharing this. I had owned a GameCube since a few days before their official release in the US and can’t say I was ever aware of this little easter egg. Read more

Wasn’t for me. I never made a habit out of incessantly clicking buttons when my consoles start up and it wasn’t widely reported non-stop. This is literally the first I’ve heard about it. Read more

23 Years Later, We’ve Discovered An Amazing GameCube Easter Egg Read more

First of all, you okay, buddy? You’re awful wound up.

Secondly, in what possible way are they wrong? Are you seriously saying that it’s just as possible to go to a music store or video store and buy a DVD/CD/Blu Ray as it was 10 years ago? You seen a mall lately? Been to a Best Buy to peruse their “media section”?
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“Got comfortable” and “Begrudgingly accepted the lack of alternatives” are two very different things.
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Which means he pronounces the NES and SNES as Nezz and Snezz, respectively, instead of calling them the Nintendo and Super Nintendo as God intended. Read more

Sony have done this for the same reason car manufacturers now offer cars exclusively in silver, black and white. Read more

I came as a young Gen-Xer/old Gen Yer to complain that these were the games I played as a kid but then I remembered it was my dad, the true definition of a baby boomer (born in 1946, almost exactly 9 months after his father returned from Europe), who introduced me to games like Wolfenstein and Doom.  He tapped out of Read more

This is unintentional comedy, the best kind of comedy. My favorite Ebert quip in a review of Dr. Strangelove: Read more