Much like a Sonic the Hedgehog level, Sega’s platforming franchise has had its ups, downs, loop-de-loops, and bottomless chasms. With the Knuckles show out, a third live-action movie premiering in December, and Sonic X Shadow Generations coming out this year, what better time to look back at the Sonic franchise’s best and worst moments? Since the series has been divided into 3D platformers, 2D sidescrollers, spin-offs, and adaptations, it only makes sense for us to do the same. So rather than rank everything the blue blur has done in one confusing list, we’ve split things up the same way. Today: 3D platformers.
These are some of the series’ most experimental entries, and that’s also made them divisive. Even the high points are riddled with contention. Let’s sort through all the good and bad of the games where Sonic runs forward instead of left to right.