Star Wars Outlaws Lost Me With Its Story Trailer
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All The Cool Stuff We Spotted In The Star Wars Outlaws Story Trailer

All The Cool Stuff We Spotted In The Star Wars Outlaws Story Trailer

This trailer features Jabba the Hutt, Death Troopers, Crimson Dawn, Canto Bight, Han Solo, and much more!

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An image shows three screenshots from the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Image: Lucasfilm / Ubisoft / Kotaku

On April 9, Ubisoft released the latest trailer for its upcoming open-world action game, Star Wars Outlaws. And as you might expect, this trailer is packed with small details, characters, hints at what the story will be about, and lots of Star Wars stuff to get all excited (or angry) about.


So, to help you all out, Kotaku has combed through the trailer and found some of the coolest, most important moments from the new Outlaws story trailer.

Oh and here’s the trailer in case you haven’t seen it yet or want to rewatch it before reading our breakdown.

Pre-order Star Wars Outlaws: Ubisoft | Best Buy

Ubisoft / Lucasfilm
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Canto Bight, opening shot

Canto Bight, opening shot

Canto Bight cityscape as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

The Outlaws story trailer opens with a shot of Canto Bight, a planet first seen in The Last Jedi. Later in this trailer we also see Kijimi, another planet first seen in the sequel trilogy. I’m excited to see Ubisoft and Massive including planets that aren’t just Hoth, Tatooine, Naboo, Coruscant, and so on. Some less-seen, newer worlds are cool!

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Oh look, it’s Han Solo

Oh look, it’s Han Solo

Han Solo as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Based on some other moments in the trailer, it seems Vess has a run-in with crime lord and giant worm Jabba the Hutt in his palace on Tatooine. And with this game set between Empire and Return, that would mean Han is still frozen in carbonite and chilling (sorry) in Jabba’s large desert fortress.

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Meet our main villain, Sliro

Meet our main villain, Sliro

A bearded man as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

“It’s a golden age for the underworld. The empire controls every corner of the galaxy. But they’re distracted by a rebellion that won’t quit. It’s an opportunity to make millions.” - Sliro


This trailer introduces a criminal kingpin, Sliro. It seems Vess has angered Sliro and his “new” and “rich” criminal outfit, Zarak Besh. He wants Vess dead and she needs his money. As she says later, “This job is my one shot at freedom!” That job? Taking all of Sliro’s money. This seems to be the main plot or at least the general setup for Outlaws.

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Who are the Pikes, Hutts, Crimson Dawn, and Ashiga Clan?

Who are the Pikes, Hutts, Crimson Dawn, and Ashiga Clan?

Two criminals as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Hanging out with Sliro are representatives from the Pikes, Hutts, and Crimson Dawn. These are all previously established Star Wars criminal groups.


Crimson Dawn was created by Darth Maul and he ruled it from the shadows, letting Dryden Voss—as seen in Solo: A Star Wars Story—publicly run the group. Later, Qira would take over the group after Maul’s (second, real) death.

The Pyke Syndicate is one of the largest spice-dealing groups in the galaxy. Or, to put it another way, they are very successful drug dealers. They first showed up in the Clone Wars series and have since popped up in live-action and animation multiple times.

Finally, there are The Hutts or the Hutt Cartel. The criminal empire was usually run by a council of Hutts who helped make decisions and tried to keep the group from ripping itself apart. However, at this point in time—after the events of Empire Strikes Back—Jabba is in charge, as the council was destroyed during a previous battle.

One more gang to mention—though they aren’t named in the trailer—is the Ashiga Clan, a new criminal group created by Massive and Ubisoft which will also appear in Outlaws.

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Two suns, that must be Tatooine

Two suns, that must be Tatooine

The desert suns of Tatooine as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Yes, Outlaws will feature some newer, lesser-seen Star Wars planets—like Canto Bight—but don’t worry, classic worlds are in the game too. Remember, it’s illegal to make a Star Wars game that doesn’t feature at least one desert planet.

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Reputation system

Reputation system

An alien crime lord as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

A big part of Outlaws is your reputation with the various factions and groups in the game. At one point, we see Vess seeking an audience with the Pykes but she gets tossed out because she’s not a known player on that world. I’m curious to see if that’s just a one-off, scripted moment or an example of this reputation system at work.

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Jabba the Hutt, I presume

Jabba the Hutt, I presume

Jabba the Hutt as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

It only makes sense that a Star Wars game set during the original trilogy era and focused on criminals would include Jabba the Hutt. As mentioned already, at this point in time he’s the sole leader of the Hutts and is likely looking to expand his criminal empire. He also seems like he really wants Vess to stand in front of him. I wonder why…

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Nix is cute and useful!

Nix is cute and useful!

Nix handing over a blaster as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

We’ve seen Nix in action before, but Vess’ cute pet alien is also a skilled partner and able to help you out. In the trailer, we see Nix grab Vess an E-11 blaster inside an Imperial facility. We later see Nix distract and then help take down an Imperial Officer.

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Some classic Star Wars aliens

Some classic Star Wars aliens

A bat-like alien as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

To pull off this last job and earn her freedom, Vess will need the “right crew” and the “right ship.” In the trailer we see two aliens appear at this point, a Chadra Fan aka rat alien, and then a Rodian who appears to be some kind of engineer or tech head.


Seems likely that you’ll recruit these folks and maybe more aliens to join your ragtag crew as part of this mission. Star Wars is all about “found families” coming together to pull off impossible jobs and missions.

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A blink and you’ll miss it Prequel reference

A blink and you’ll miss it Prequel reference

A rodian alien as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Oh hey, don’t be too distracted by that cool Rodian ripping out a part from a droid. If you look in the back of that scene you can spot some old, broken Battle Droids as seen in the Prequel Trilogy.

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Getting the “right ship”

Getting the “right ship”

A ship being shot at by troops as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Toward the end of the trailer, we see Vess seemingly stealing her ship—the Trailblazer—from Zarek Besh members. It’s possible this will be the start of the game and the event that puts Vess on Sliro’s shit list, setting her on the path to robbing him and earning her freedom.

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Bounty Hunter with Lobot-like tech

Bounty Hunter with Lobot-like tech

A bounty hunter with a pistol as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Throughout Ubisoft’s new trailer for Star Wars Outlaws, we see a woman tracking down Vess. By the end of the trailer, we are told she is a bounty hunter, one of the best, and she’s been hired by Sliro to find Vess and her crew. If you look closely, she seems to be sporting similar implants to what Lobot in The Empire Strikes Back has in his bald head. Be careful! Those can take over your mind.

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Escaping into a Sarlacc Pit

Escaping into a Sarlacc Pit

Someone sliding into a large alien pit as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Back on Tatooine—possibly after escaping Jabba—Vess is seen sliding into a Sarlacc Pit. Is it the same one seen in Return of the Jedi? Maybe, but remember there are many Sarlacc creatures on the planet. Still, knowing Star Wars, this is probably the same one.

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A Death Trooper!

A Death Trooper!

A black Stromtrooper as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

In the final seconds of the trailer, Ubisoft flashes quick shots of a lot of Star Wars stuff in an attempt to get you excited, and okay, showing a Death Trooper got me excited. Are you happy with yourself, Ubisoft? These creepy, elite, all-black Stormtroopers were created for Rogue One and have appeared in many other places since then.

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Did anybody want some B’omarr Order monk robot spiders?

Did anybody want some B’omarr Order monk robot spiders?

Droid spiders as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Inside what looks to be Jabba’s Palace, we see Vess running away from guards and robot spiders. Now, I’m not sure, but these spiders look similar to B’omarr Order Monks. These things were first spotted in Return of the Jedi inside Jabba’s Palace and were later explained to be droids that contain the brains of monks.


Apparently, Jabba and his goons let them stay at the palace, which was once their temple. Normally the spiders are bigger, but maybe these are drones or some kind of servant of the monks? Not sure, but seems possible.

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Always end with a Krayt Dragon

Always end with a Krayt Dragon

A large sand worm as seen in the new Star Wars Outlaws trailer.
Screenshot: Ubisoft / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

The final shot of the new Outlaws trailer shows Vess being attacked by a giant sandworm aka a Krayt Dragon. This design matches up perfectly with what we saw in the Mandalorian series and it seems like a formidable foe. I’ll be curious to see if this is a cutscene event or an actual creature you can encounter and fight.


Pre-order Star Wars Outlaws: Ubisoft | Best Buy

