We already knew this was coming, but a reveal at The Game Awards tonight makes it official: Quantic Dream, the controversial developers of games like Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain, are working on a brand new game set in the Star Wars universe, on what looks like a brand new world of their creation.
As we reported back in September, while Star Wars Eclipse will bear some of the hallmarks of Quantic Dream’s historically narrative-heavy experiences, it is also a more action-focused title than we’re used to from the French developers, with loads of hectic space combat and lightsaber sequences.
The game’s debut trailer revealed that it’s set during the Republic era, with cameos from characters like Yoda (or is it) and C-3PO (OR IS IT), shots of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and plenty of glimpses of what look like some Sith (or Sith-adjacent?) bad guys, marching in line with snappy uniforms and threatening the universe in a way that seems requisite for every villainous Star Wars faction ever.
There’s also a marketplace featuring every alien species fans would want to see, musical numbers and some cute lil’ chocobo/monkey things.
No release date was provided, or even an indication of what platforms it’s headed to, as it was described on stag as simply being still “early in development”.
The announcement comes as Quantic Dream has spent the last three years battling some of the people involved in a series of 2018 French press reports accusing the studio of having toxic working conditions. The report also detailed sexist and racist jokes, and lots of crunch (prolonged periods of overtime work). Quantic Dream denied the reports at the time and then went on to sue the publications, alongside some former employees in a series of court battles, some of which have ended inconclusively.